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Apply for a Professorship in Environmental and Resource Economics

University of Leipzig, Germany

Application deadline: 30th April, 2021

The Department of Economics, University of Leipzig, Germany, is inviting applications for a Junior Professorship in Environmental and Resource Economics funded by the Tenure Track Programme of the German Federal Government and the Federal States, from 1st April 2022. The new professor will represent Nature’s Values in research and teaching at the Faculty of Economics and Management Science. This research field combines excellent economics, natural and life sciences to study questions of sustainability under climate change and biodiversity change. The professorship’s core research topics are the social and economic values of nature. The professor will teach the Wirtschaftswissenschaften bachelor’s program, the Economics master’s program, and the International Joint Master in Sustainable Development, preferably in English.

The junior professorship is initially limited to three years. According to the Regulations on the Interim Evaluation Procedure for Junior Professors at Leipzig University (ZEvaO), it will be extendable by a further three years subject to successful intermediate evaluation. No later than five years after employment commences, a tenure evaluation will be conducted under the Regulations on the Constitution, Procedure, and Evaluation of Tenure Track Professorships at Leipzig University (TTO). The evaluation procedure is based on a binding, mutual evaluation agreement concluded at the start of employment, which sets out the development goals and expectations regarding the professor’s individual performance in the categories of research, teaching, knowledge transfer, and academic and non-university commitment. After successful tenure evaluation, appointment to a permanent W2 professorship according to Section 59(2), Sentence 2, no 2 of the Saxon Freedom of Higher Education Act (SächsHSFG) will take place without readvertising the vacancy.


1. An excellent early-career economist with methodical skills in quantitative empirical research on valuing nature.

2. Research expertise, documented by international publications or highly promising working papers, is expected in one, or preferably more, of the following fields:

  • empirical research with methods of revealed or stated preferences, utilizing economic experiments and behavioral economics
  • conceptual, theoretical, or empirical research on normative and ethical foundations of valuing nature
  • economic and integrated assessment modeling to translate data and normative concepts into proposals for social and economic decision-making, using approaches of a similar kind to Nordhaus’ DICE model for climate change economics.

3. The candidate should be willing and able to cooperate on an interdisciplinary basis with the climate and biodiversity sciences in the Sustainable Global Change research field.

4. If applicants were employed as research associates or research assistants before or during the completion of their doctoral studies, the total period of employment and work on the doctoral thesis should not exceed six years (exceptions for child care times apply).

5. Applicants should have changed universities after completing their doctorate or have been academically active outside Leipzig University for at least two years. They should have completed their doctorate no more than four years ago.

Application Details

  • A cover letter (1–2 pages)
  • A detailed CV
  • A list of scientific work and academic teaching to date, including records of teaching evaluations (if available)
  • A certified copy of the highest academic degree acquired

Applications should be sent, either by post or electronically as a single PDF file, to:

Leipzig University
Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management Science
Professor Johannes Ringel
IPF 170001, 04081 Leipzig

Further inquiries on the professorship may be directed to Professor Martin Quaas .


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