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Apply as a full-time Senior Researcher

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The Institute of Advanced Studies, Vienna Austria is inviting applications for a full-time Senior Researcher and Head of the Behavioral Economics Research Group. The position is available from January 2022. The position as Senior Researcher comes with a permanent contract. It is limited to five years, with the possibility of an extension based on a successful evaluation of the performance and the strategic development of the group. The salary offer for the full-time position as a senior researcher is € 4,200.00 (before taxes) per month (14x) (salary level 2021); for the time being the head of the Research Group, a monthly extra pay of € 750.00 (before taxes) will be part of the contract.


  • PhD, preferably from economics or a related behavioral science discipline
  • Established publication record in behavioral science
  • Well-versed overview of the field of behavioral economics and related behavioral science disciplines
  • Extensive first-hand knowledge of experimental researchFluent in English and German
  • Several years of experience with cooperating in empirical research projectsExperience with acquisition of third-party funding (national and international, in competitive research grants as well as commissioned research)
  • Experience with leading a team (or: convincing willingness to acquire this qualification)
  • Experience with budgeting and financing of a Research Group (or: convincing willingness to acquire this qualification)
  • Experience with external representation (particularly especially in dealing with stakeholders and clients from politics and business as well as with the public and the media)
  • Experience with giving policy-advicePassionate in communicating with decision makers in science, politics, business, and society


  • Venia Docendi or equivalent status
  • Good knowledge of the institutional setting of Austrian public administration and of economic policies therewith (or: willingness to swiftly acquire this knowledge)
  • Experience in supervising early-stage career researchers (PhD candidates)
  • Academic position at an Austrian University

Application Details

  • An academic CV
  • A cover letter detailing the applicant’s fit with the job profile
  • Two contacts for references
  • A written concept detailing the applicant’s objectives for the research group and how these are to be achieved (on max. 5 pages).

The complete application should be sent as pdf to Dr. Thomas König


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