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Call for Application: Academic and Student Programs

Education (63)

Application Deadline: July 31, 2024

The Mercatus Centre, George Mason University is inviting applications for an online, semester-long program for high school students interested in understanding political, economic, and social life. The Exploring Complex Solutions for a Complex World Fellowship is open to students from any high school program (whether public, private, or home school). This program is part of the Don Lavoie Fellowship. Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year are due September 30, 2024.

Fellows will join a network of Mercatus students, alumni, faculty, and scholars who are conducting and engaging with cutting edge research in contemporary political economy.


  • Be enrolled in high school
  • Be at least 16 years old by the start of the fellowship
  • Receive permission from a parent or guardian
  • Have access to computer equipment and internet capabilities to participate in the fellowship


  • Attend and actively participate in all aspects of the scheduled online programming including:
    • Regularly logging into the discussion portal to discuss the curriculum with scholars and other students in the program
    • Submitting a thoughtful question in the discussion portal on the required readings on time
    • Participating in 4 scheduled 60-minute online discussion sessions with students and scholars
    • Reading the required material so they are prepared for the online group discussion sessions
    • Preparing questions or comments to bring up during the discussion
    • Joining the scheduled sessions on time
    • Completing a short evaluation survey following each module
  • Be honest, responsible, fair, and civil in all interactions through the program

Application Details

  • Short essays about:
    • Applicant’s high school and extracurricular career so far
    • The disciplines the applicant is interested in studying for college
    • Applicant’s political, economic, and social interests
    • What the applicants hope to get out of the program
  • A current resume/CV (optional)

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