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Apply for the Masters and Ph.D. Programs and Scholarships in Economics at the University of Bologna

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The Master’s degree in Economics ( Laurea Magistralis in Economics (LMEC)) at the University of Bologna is a two-year Master’s Degree, entirely taught in English, and is part of the Graduate Program of the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna. It offers an excellent opportunity for students seeking rigorous training in economics and econometrics to get
prepared for a successful career as an Economist or Econometrician and for admission to the best Ph.D. programs worldwide, including the four-year Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Bologna.

LMEC offers a new track in Econometrics in addition to the traditional track in Economics. During the first year, common to both tracks, students will learn the core elements of micro and macroeconomic theory, mathematical economics, econometrics, and finance. In the second year, students will choose between the two tracks, selecting activities from a rich list of advanced/field courses in economics and econometrics. Many courses entail empirical projects developed through a number of software packages (GISS, Gretl, Matlab, Python, R, STATA) and the new emphasis is placed on statistical/machine learning tools for the analysis of high dimensional data.


First Intake (for EU and NON-EU candidates)

  • Closing: 8th March 2021 at 1 pm (CET)
  • Results: 30th March 2021

Second Intake (for EU candidates)

  • Opening:  22nd March 2021
  • Closing:  26th April 2021 at 1 pm (CET)
  • Results:  18th May 2021

Third Intake (for EU and EU-assimilated candidates only)

  • Opening:  31st May 2021
  • Closing: 5th July 2021 at 1 pm (CET)
  • Results: 27th July 2021


To attend profitably the Master’s Degree in Economics (LMEC), it is necessary to:

  • have adequate knowledge of economic theory and quantitative analysis.
  • hold an undergraduate degree. For applicants who graduated from a non-Italian University, the Admission Board will ascertain the equivalence between the non-Italian and the Italian degree. In any case, admission to the Master’s Degree in Economics is conditional to the assessment by an Admission Board, by means of the documents provided and according to the criteria specified below.

For applicants who do not meet the requirements, a specifically-appointed Admission Board will verify whether or not they hold the skills and competencies needed, on the basis of their curriculum vitae. If the Admission Board identifies such skills and competencies as adequate, the applicant is admitted to evaluation.

Candidates may apply even if they have not yet obtained a Bachelor’s degree. However, they will have to obtain their degree title, and have all the requested documents ready, in time for the final enrolment deadline (in November).

Eligibility Criteria

  • Academic merit: This refers to the marks obtained in individual courses, to the quality of the degree course attended, and to the final graduation score obtained: Maximum is 70points
  • Presentation letters: Statement of Purpose and Reference Letter(s): Maximum 10 points
  • Consistency between a candidate’s previous studies and the Master’s in Economics learning objectives: Maximum 20 points.

Only candidates who reach a minimum of 60 points will be admitted.

Application procedure

Applications will be assessed by the LMEC Admission Board on the periods and within the deadlines stated. At the end of each intake, a final ranking will be released and candidates will be able to check from their Student online portal whether they have been admitted. Non-admitted candidates cannot re-apply within the same academic year. The same application will be evaluated only once and it will not be taken into consideration again for the same academic year in case of submission in one of the subsequent intakes, even though it contains additional information compared to the previous one. Only candidates who have submitted incomplete applications (e.g. lacking compulsory attachments), and therefore are not evaluated by the Admission Board, can apply again within the same academic year. Candidates can apply even if they have not earned their degree title yet, as long as they obtain it within the deadline annually set by the University

You can check whether you can be considered an EU, EU-assimilated, or non-EU candidate by checking the specifics of this page.

How to Apply

  • If you do not have a UNIBO account, connect to Studenti Online or click on the ‘Apply’ button below to create your personal User ID and Password. You can then switch to English by clicking on the top left button.
  • Register by filling out the required fields. In case you are a foreign student and you do not have an Italian Tax ID (Codice Fiscale), you can click on “International students registration” and fill in the form to obtain your User ID and Password.
  • After your first access, you will be asked to change your password. Please remember your Username and Password as they will always be required to access your profile.
  • Access the Studenti Online portal. You can switch to the English version from the top left button. Click on “Admission application –take part in the selection” > “Second cycle degree programme” > “Economics -LMEC.”
  • Attach the required documents in .pdf format. Use the specific areas of StudentiOnline to upload the requested documents. Do not send the documents to the offices by email or other means.

Please note that no admission fees are required for the selection procedure!

Application Details

  • Copy of valid passport or other IDs
  • Curriculum Vitae (must be in English)
  • Statement of Purpose (must be in English)
  • One or two reference letters from academics and/or scholars (preferably in English)
  • Transcript of records (should include name of institution, name of degree programmes, exams and grades achieved in Italian or English)
  • Certificate of English Language.
  • For EU-assimilated citizens: a copy of your valid permit of stay and any other document that may support your application (NB: non-compulsory).

Candidates must upload the relevant documents in pdf format, in the specific sections of the online application form only (no email or post) by the selection deadlines.

Grants for newly enrolled students: The academic year 2021/22.

The Department of Economics will award 5 merit-based grants, distributed as follows:

  • 3 grants for students admitted in the first intake,
  • 2 grants for students admitted in the second intake.

Each grant amounts to €4608 gross of taxes. The grant is granted for one academic year. Grants that are not assigned in one intake will be assigned in the following intakes. Grants not assigned after all intakes have taken place will be assigned in the following academic year.


The 5 grants are reserved for students who have graduated at Italian and non-Italian University that will enroll to the Master’s in Economics-(LMEC) in the academic year 2021/22, and that has been admitted with a minimum score of 68points.


The grants will be awarded by the LMEC Admissions Board, based on the admission rankings of the first and the second intake, starting with the first admitted candidate and going down to the second, third etc. Only students who meet the eligibility requirements will be considered. In case of two or more candidates obtaining equal results in the ranking, the grant will be awarded to the youngest candidate. If one of the students fails to accept the grant and/or declines the grant, the grant is granted to the student who comes next in the ranking. The assignment of the grants is approved by decree of the Director of the Department of Economics.


Students who are selected for the grant will be informed via e-mail at the address that they will provide when they apply for LMEC selection in the platform “StudentiOnline”. Within 10 days from the reception of the news about the award of the grant, candidates should write to em**************@un***.it and state that he/she accepts the grant at the terms stated in this procedure, without further conditions. Failure to accept the grant is tantamount to decline it.


The payment of the grant will take place only if:

  • the student actually enrolls in LMEC (he/she should pay the first installment of tuition fees, show up at the Admissions office, bring his/her documents and have them approved, and finally collect the student’s badge)
  • the student has filled in the relevant forms for the payment.

For further information on the admission procedure, contact any of the following: em**************@un***.it or is******************@un***.it


Application Deadline: 31st October, 2021

In order to speed up the selection procedure and to be able to give you timely feedback, you will need to express your interest in the Ph.D. program by filling in the pre-registration form. The deadline is February 25, 2021 h. 1.00 p.m. (CET/CEST, Rome time). You will be given feedback by March 16, 2021, when the official call opens.

Available Ph.D. Positions and Scholarships

For the academic year 2021/2022 a total of seven scholarships for full-time PhD students are available:

Candidates are asked to specify their interest in applying for one of the different types of scholarships.


Candidates from any country, gender, and age holding a Master’s Degree (second cycle of higher education), are welcomed. Such a degree must be one of the following:

  • an Italian Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale (3+2-year system);
  • an Italian university degree – pre-reform system (4 years).
  • a second cycle degree obtained abroad, recognized as equivalent to the above-mentioned.

Please note that:

  • Applicants awarded of the above academic degrees by foreign Universities in extra-EU countries must submit a certificate attesting the completion of their Bachelor’s and Master’s degree (i.e. first and second level degree) and the transcript of records.
  • Applicants holding a degree awarded in the EU Member States or by an Italian private university can submit either certificates or a self-certification. The Diploma Supplement can be also submitted as an alternative to the certificate. 

For the pre-screening, be prepared to upload (maximum 10 MB in total):-

  • CV 
  • A statement of purpose 
  • A copy of your GMAT/GRE
  • knowledge of English certificates 
  • An academic transcript
  • The names of two or three referees

 For the official application in March, you will need some additional documents:- a scanned copy of a valid ID (with photo)- documents certifying that you hold both the necessary first and second level degrees; other documents, including copies of publications (if any).

For questions, contact ds********@un***.it


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