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Apply as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Colorado State University

Job (64)

Application Deadline: 15 April, 2024

The Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (DARE) , Colorado state university is inviting applications for a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Inland Flooding and Evacuation. The selected individual will work in collaboration with Dr. Bayham, Dr. Goemans, Dr. Manning, and Dr. Suter in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics to analyze responses to flood risk, information about flood events, and evacuation orders using mobile device location data.

The research will include the compilation and analysis of datasets related to the timing, location, and intensity of flood events. Finally, the selected individual will quantify impacts on short-run and longer-run economic activity. The proposed annual salary range is $65,000 – $72,000 plus applicable benefits.


  • Research: The research will involve data management and empirical analysis related to flooding and human mobility. The research will also involve the analysis of economic outcomes associated with inland flood events.
  • Project-related coordination: Attend research team meetings and meetings with stakeholders to discuss appropriate empirical methods and disseminate research results.


  • PhD degree in economics, agricultural and resource economics, or related field completed by start date
  • Evidence of strong written communication skills
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality, be punctual, and communicate changes in work schedule
  • Demonstrated ability to work inclusively in a diverse setting
  • Demonstrated experience using R, Python, or comparable programming languages


  • Strong verbal communication skills
  • Evidence of strong data management skills
  • Demonstrated experience using spatial data in empirical analysis
  • Demonstrated experience modeling the impacts of natural disasters
  • Experience publishing academic research
  • Ability to prioritize responsibilities to meet deadlines

Application Details

  • Cover Letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Writing Samples (copy of a written research)
  • Unofficial Transcripts
  • Three References

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