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Apply as a Postdoctoral Researcher in MPIDR

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Application Deadline: 15 August, 2022

The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) is inviting applications for a full-time post-doctoral researcher to join the Research Group on Labor Demography. The successful candidate will work on a project aimed at understanding which factors are shaping the length of working life, and they will develop their own agenda within this project.

The successful applicant will be offered a contract for up to 4 years with remuneration commensurate to experience (starting from approx. 57,000 EUR gross per year for researchers who have just completed their PhD, up to approx. 71,000 EUR gross per year for more senior scientists),


  • Researchers with a PhD in demography, sociology, economics, statistics, epidemiology, or a similar field are welcome.
  • Strong quantitative analysis skills are required.
  • Knowledge of R or Stata is an advantage
  • Experience with longitudinal data analysis, causal inference, or labor market research

Application Details

  • Letter of interest (max. 1 page)
  • Curriculum Vitae (max. 3 pages, focusing on most relevant achievements)
  • A writing example (e.g., a piece of publication)
  • Contact information for up to 2 academic referees

The exact starting date is flexible. Applicants should have completed their doctoral degree; however, PhD students who expect to obtain their degree in 2022 or early 2023 may apply.


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