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Apply as a Postdoctoral Researcher in University of Bonn

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Application Deadline: 15th October, 2022

The Institute for Food and Resource Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn has a position opening for a Postdoctoral Researcher in Food Environment. The position is part of the newly formed research group “Socioeconomics of Sustainable Nutrition” (J. Prof. Dr. Dominic Lemken) and is paid according to salary scale TVL-E13. The initial contract will be for three years. The starting date can be in December 2022.


  • Plan and conduct innovative research on issues related to food environments, including supermarkets
  • Publish research papers and articles in internationally visible journals
  • Develop ideas and proposals for new research and manage research projects
  • Contribute to teaching and guidance of doctoral researchers
  • Manage data collection, cooperation with partners, and presentation of research results


  • A PhD in economics, agricultural/behavioral/environmental economics, Nutritional Sciences, Psychology, Neurosciences or related disciplines
  • First success in academic publishing is an asset
  • Experience with quantitative research methods and related statistical packages


  • Excellent oral and written English language and communications skills (German language skills would be a plus but are not required)
  • Strong interpersonal skills and team spirit

Application Details

  • Motivation letter
  • A CV with publication list
  • Research statement (max 1 page)
  • A recent paper relevant to the field (own paper) if available

The complete application documents should be sent electronically (compiled in one single PDF file) by to Dominic Lemken (dl*****@gw**.de).


The Journey So Far is the Ultimate Economics Journal’s (UEJ) first-ever impact report, a milestone publication that celebrates four years of transforming lives since its founding in August 2020.

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