Professors Chen Lian and Dmitry Taubinsky of UC Berkeley, and Luigi Butera of Copenhagen Business School, are inviting applications for a predoctoral research assistant who will assist with research at the forefront of Behavioral, Public, and Macro Economics. The position will start in the Summer of 2023, and is intended to be a two-year position.
A key ongoing set of projects that the researcher will be involved in will be the analysis of administrative registry data from Denmark matched to custom-designed surveys to investigate how memory, attention, and selective processing of data effects people’s expectations about their future financial wellbeing.
- The researcher will perform data analysis using statistical packages such as Stata and perform numerical simulations using languages such as Matlab.
- She/He will work closely with Principal Investigators, using collaborative tools like GitHub to manage projects and tasks.
- Additionally, the researcher will be an integral part of the research process, performing literature reviews, drafting research reports, and generally shepherding the publication process.
- The position entails analyzing public and private datasets using quasi-experimental methods, assisting with literature reviews, helping set-up and analyze randomized experiments both online and in the field
- Using computational techniques to test predictions of economic theory and evaluating public policies