The Ultimate Economics Journal We are here for you!

Apply as a Professor in Energy Policy

Job - 2024-11-10T202031.993

Application Deadline: January 15, 2025

The Howard H. Baker, Jr. School of Public Policy and Public Affairs (Baker School) at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK) is inviting applications for a tenure-track faculty position (open rank) in Energy Policy to begin in August 2025. An expert in energy and environmental policy, with an emphasis on economics is welcome, to partner with the Center for Energy, Transportation, and Environmental Policy (CETEP) to conduct funded research, deliver in-person and online courses for students and working professionals, and engage in public service and outreach.

The successful candidate will be part of a new multidisciplinary school of public policy and public affairs, the first such organization at a public institution in the State of Tennessee. We seek future colleagues who will help build the school and can contribute fresh ideas, a growth mindset, and interdisciplinary experience.


  • Candidates must have a doctoral degree in economics, applied economics, agricultural and resource economics, public policy, or a related field.
  • Candidates will be expected to teach 2 courses per semester and must be able to develop and deliver courses in policy and markets, public economics, energy economics, energy policy, and/or regional economics.


  • Candidates for Assistant Professor should have an active research agenda, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and a commitment to service to the University and community. The successful candidate is expected to hold a Ph.D. by the time of the appointment.
  • Candidates for Associate Professor should have a demonstrated record of publishing in appropriate journals, exceptional teaching, and internal and external service to their professional community. Candidates who have experience in securing and executing externally funded research are preferred, though this is not a requirement of the position.
  • Candidates for Full Professor should have a demonstrated record of publishing in appropriate journals, exceptional teaching, and internal and external service to their professional community. In addition, the candidate should have national/international recognition in their field of study. Candidates who have experience in securing and executing externally funded research are preferred, though this is not a requirement of the position.

Application Details

  •  A cover letter explaining their research and teaching experience
  • A current CV
  • Graduate transcripts,
  • A sample of scholarly writing
  • Teaching evaluations (if available)
  • Names of three references.

Complete applications, including letters of recommendation, will be reviewed beginning December 2. Review of complete applications will continue until the position is filled. Preliminary interviews will be conducted via Zoom.

 For inquiries, contact Charles Sims, TVA Distinguished Professor of Energy and Environmental Policy and Director of the Center for Energy, Transportation, and Environmental Policy (cb****@ut*.edu).


The Journey So Far is the Ultimate Economics Journal’s (UEJ) first-ever impact report, a milestone publication that celebrates four years of transforming lives since its founding in August 2020.

In this report, we reflect on how a dream has evolved, empowering thousands of individuals in over 80 countries, opening doors to global opportunities, hosting impactful workshops, and providing life-changing mentorship.