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Apply for a Doctoral Position in SLU

Job (21)

Application Deadline: 1st Septemeber, 2023

The Department of Economics at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is inviting applications for two-year Post-Doctoral positions to join its research group “Agricultural and Food Economics”. This post-doctoral project will address farmers’ willingness to adopt measures aiming at mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on farm level as well as policy for sustainable agricultural systems in a European context. The successful candidate will work in a vivid interdisciplinary research environment with researchers in agricultural economics, environmental sciences, and veterinary sciences. In particular, the position is part of three externally funded projects that are all related to farmer’s acceptance of policy measures to encourage a shift in agricultural production in Sweden, towards more sustainable agricultural practices that can reduce GHG emissions, that are less reliant on fossil-based production inputs, and that can improve animal welfare. 


  • Actively contribute to the group’s research, in particular by focusing on the post-doc project introduced above
  • Develop independent research leading to high-quality scientific journals’ publications
  • Apply for external research funding
  • Supervise students’ theses at all levels and contribute to other teaching activities within the research area of the group.


  • Applicants should have a PhD in agricultural economics, resource economics or equivalent.
  • Individuals with a completed Ph.D. (the Ph.D. should have been completed no more than three years ago) are encouraged to apply
  • Applicants should have a profile towards agriculture and food
  • Experience in choice modelling
  • Experience in survey design and implementation


  • Experience of linking behavioral theories to economic research
  • Experience and interest in conducting interdisciplinary and/or multidisciplinary research
  • Knowledge of agricultural systems and policy in a European context
  • Documented experience publishing in high-quality scientific journals.
  • Very good skills in English (both written and oral) are required.

Application Details

  • A current CV including publication list
  • Statement motivating the interest in this particular position (two pages single space maximum)
  • The name of two references.


Helena Hansson (Professor), He************@sl*.se

Vivian Wei Huang (Researcher), we*******@sl*.se


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