The Ultimate Economics Journal We are here for you!

Apply for a Postdoctoral position in Heidelberg University

White and Purple Formal Hello December Instagram Post (4)

The Chair of Public Finance, Department of Economics, Heidelberg University, is inviting applications for a Post-Doctoral position (TV-L E13, 100%) starting April 1st, 2023 or at the earliest possible convenience. The Chair of Public Finance is headed by Christoph Vanberg.

Funding for research expenses and conference visits will be provided. Experimental researchers will have access to our laboratory and subject pool, and receive additional funding for experiments. The postdoctoral fellow will have the opportunity to conduct collaborative and independent research.


  • Qualified candidates with an interest in Political, Behavioral, and / or Experimental Economics.
  • The successful candidate should hold a Ph.D. in Economics or Political Science.
  • German language skills are not a requirement.

Application Details

  • A letter of interest
  • CV
  • Research statement
  • Two research papers 
  • Two recommendation letters, sent directly by references

The complete applicatioon should be sent to fi**@un************.de


The Journey So Far is the Ultimate Economics Journal’s (UEJ) first-ever impact report, a milestone publication that celebrates four years of transforming lives since its founding in August 2020.

In this report, we reflect on how a dream has evolved, empowering thousands of individuals in over 80 countries, opening doors to global opportunities, hosting impactful workshops, and providing life-changing mentorship.