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Apply for a Postdoctoral Position in University of Illinois

Job (28)

Application Deadline: January 4, 2023

The Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois, Urbana- Champaign is inviting applications for a postdoctoral research associate to conduct innovative interdisciplinary research examining the incentives for spatially and behaviorally heterogeneous farmers to adopt novel, AI-based, precision farming technologies for site-specific input application and its implications for farm profitability and the environment. The research will integrate information about technology attributes with spatially varying biophysical characteristics of the landscape and heterogeneous farmer characteristics to develop optimal crop management strategies at the parcel and landscape levels.

Funding is available to start immediately for appointment on an annual basis with the potential for annual renewal for two to three years based on satisfactory performance. The position will be open until it is filled and the start date is negotiable. The successful candidate will work directly with the project’s PI, Dr. Madhu Khanna,


Developing one or more of the following tools to conduct this research:

  • Spatial optimization models
  • Conducting and analyzing a discrete choice experiment
  • Building an economic model of technology adoption, and an agent-based model that integrates biophysical models characterizing field conditions with a model of landowner decision-making.


  • Candidates must have a PhD in economics, agricultural and resource economics, engineering economics, computational economics, or a related field such as computer science with economic applications.


  • Experience in computational methods, spatial optimization modeling, survey –based choice experiments
  • Discrete-choice modeling and agent-based modeling that links economic decision making with biophysical models
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills
  • An interest in working with interdisciplinary researchers on topics related to emerging precision technologies will be among the selection criteria

Application Details

  • A cover letter highlighting experiences and interest in the position
  • A CV including PhD degree date
  • Names and contact information for three (3) professional references
  • A professional writing sample that illustrates the required/desired qualifications for the position.
  • Proof of doctoral degree is required to begin employment.

If you have experience developing and contributing programming codes and/or other related resources to CRAN, GitHub or another online data or software repository, this information should be included in the applicant’s CV or other application materials.

To apply, send the above to Amy Rosenbery (hu****@il******.edu)  with the subject POSTDOC.


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