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Apply for a Tenure-track Position at Renmin University of China


Application Deadline: December 15, 2020


The Department of Environmental and Resource Economics at Renmin University of China invites applicants for multiple tenure-tracked positions at all professorship levels (Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor). They are recruiting multi-disciplinary talents to conduct cutting-edge research and policy extensions as well as high-quality teaching. They are seeking candidates with research interests in environmental and resource economics, urban economics, and macroeconomics, on topics including but not limited to pollution control, non-market valuation, resource conservation, energy and climate change, green development, and green finance.   Candidates with demonstrated research and teaching capacities are encouraged to apply. The compensation package includes a competitive salary, starting fund, housing allowance, and fringe benefits. No teaching responsibility in the first year, and 8 credit hours of annual teaching load afterward.  As China’s first established department in this field, it is a leading program on environmental and resource economics of the Double-First Class Subject. Renmin University of China is a top-tier university located in Beijing’s central area. 


Successful candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree in Economics, Applied Economics, or a closely related field by August 2021.

Application Materials

  • Research and Teaching Statement
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Letters of Reference
  • Cover Letter
  • Job Market Paper
  • Teaching Evaluations
  • Transcripts
  • Research Papers

Applications submitted before December 15th will be given full consideration. Short-listed candidates will be invited for online interviews in January 2021. 

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