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Apply for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Positions at University of Passau

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Application Deadline: 28th February, 2022

The University of Passau is inviting applications for doctoral and postdoctoral positions at the DFG Research Training Group “Digital Platform Ecosystems“.

The RTG is organised in three interdisciplinary thematic areas:

  • Data exchange in digital platform ecosystems
  • Innovation, transformation and organization in digital platform ecosystems
  • Socio-economic and regulatory dimensions of digital platform ecosystems

Positions are available for three years, starting October 2022, and are remunerated with an internationally competitive salary (75%–100% FTE, TV-L 13) with social security and healthcare contributions. 


  • Aspiring early career researchers, with a strong interest in and openness to conducting interdisciplinary research at an internationally competitive level
  • At the time of hiring, applicants must have completed a university master’s degree (and for postdoc positions, a doctoral degree) in one of the areas covered by the RTG
  • Applicants should have demonstrated academic excellence in their studies and, for the postdoctoral position, show potential for a successful academic career
  • Furthermore, applicants should be dedicated and perseverant researchers, possess strong social and communicative skills and be fluent in English as well as committed to contributing to the RTG community.
  • Applicants for a doctoral position should include a copy of their master’s thesis; postdoctoral applicants should include copies of unpublished research papers

Application Details

  • Cover letter
  • Letter of motivation
  • Curriculum vitae (applicants for a postdoctoral position should include a list of publications and teaching evaluations, if applicable)
  • Copies of all secondary-school certificates and university degree documents listed in the application form (in case you do not have received your degree certificate, you can also provide an overview of current grades).

Interviews will be held from 28 April to 3 May 2022 (in person at our offices if feasible), and decisions communicated shortly thereafter. Interviewees will be asked to prepare a research proposal.


The Journey So Far is the Ultimate Economics Journal’s (UEJ) first-ever impact report, a milestone publication that celebrates four years of transforming lives since its founding in August 2020.

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