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Apply for Faculty Positions in Indiana University

Job (2)

Application Deadline: October, 15, 2023

The Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University-Bloomington is inviting applications for faculty positions to apply environmental science or social science methods to investigate emerging issues of energy technologies and markets, impacts of climate change on water resources and land use, as well as the management of the public and nonprofit organizations tasked with implementing policies in these areas. Applicants are expected to develop a record of successful teaching and mentoring of students and a nationally competitive program of research, including external funding. The goal of this cluster is to increase O’Neill School expertise in each of these areas as well as their intersection, and to produce relevant high-quality research that examines related impacts and outcomes for communities and ecosystems in which infrastructure and land-use changes will occur.

Successful candidates in the social sciences may conduct research employing either quantitative or qualitative methods, and from within disciplines that include economics, public administration and management, public policy, behavioral sciences, and other related fields. Successful candidates in the environmental sciences may conduct research that spans multiple spatial or temporal scales and uses a diverse set of tools and approaches, including combinations of field studies, experiments, or modeling.
All O’Neill faculty members are expected to interact with the diverse student and faculty community. A record of high-quality publications and pursuit of external funding is a plus. Successful teaching and mentoring of students from many background is desirable. Applicants are encouraged to address these topics in their letter of application.


  • Candidates must have a doctoral degree in a relevant field and a record of scholarship commensurate with the desired rank of appointment. In the environmental sciences
  • Preference may be given to candidates with post-doctoral experience. 

Application Details

  • A letter of application
  • Curriculum vita
  • Statement of research and teaching
  • Contact information for three references
  • Two representative research papers.

For further enquiries about the application process, contact the search committee co-chairs: David Konisky (dk******@in*****.edu) or Todd Royer (tr****@in*****.edu).


The Journey So Far is the Ultimate Economics Journal’s (UEJ) first-ever impact report, a milestone publication that celebrates four years of transforming lives since its founding in August 2020.

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