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Call for Application: AfOx Visiting Fellowship Programme

Education (44)

Application Deadline: May 31, 2024 (23:59 UK Time)

The University of Oxford is inviting applications for its AfOx Visiting Fellowship Programme. The Africa Oxford Initiative is designed to allow exceptional African researchers to build international networks and focus on a project of their choice in collaboration with Oxford-based scholars.

Fellows will be affiliated with the University of Oxford for 12 months,  including ten months of virtual engagement and a two month in-person visit to Oxford between April to June(Trinity term). During the Fellowship, AfOx Fellows are associated with a Department and a College within the University. 

AfOx fellows have developed long-term partnerships with colleagues in Oxford, which have led to significant research outcomes, including joint publications, new research projects, breakthroughs in engagement with African policy-makers and substantial research funding. Through the programme, African scholars have made significant contributions to the intellectual and social life of Oxford while simultaneously gaining opportunities for accessing the range of resources, knowledge and expertise in the University. Further information for applicants and Oxford researchers can be found in our guide for fellowship applicants, and our guide for collaborators.

While in Oxford, AfOx provides fellows with:

  • accommodation,
  • a return economy flight,
  • a maintenance allowance for living expenses (up to £250 per week during the residence period).
  • a University card.
  • support throughout the fellowship, including facilitating access to online training and resources


  • All applicants must have an Oxford-based researcher named as their collaborator on their application

Application Details

  • A proposal of no more than 1000 words
  • An updated CV
  • The Oxford host will be required to send a statement of support indicating their willingness to be the academic collaborator during the fellowship.

The Journey So Far is the Ultimate Economics Journal’s (UEJ) first-ever impact report, a milestone publication that celebrates four years of transforming lives since its founding in August 2020.

In this report, we reflect on how a dream has evolved, empowering thousands of individuals in over 80 countries, opening doors to global opportunities, hosting impactful workshops, and providing life-changing mentorship.