The Ultimate Economics Journal We are here for you!

Call for Application: Enrichment Scheme in IFS

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Application Deadline: 22 January 2023

The Enrichment scheme offers students currently enrolled on a doctoral programme within the ESRC DTP network the opportunity to join us for up to 12 months at the ESRC Institute for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy at the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS).

Students continue their PhD in conjunction with their current supervisor, while enriching their research and making new collaborations during their time at the Institute. The aim of the scheme is to enhance the work of doctoral students by providing collaboration and learning opportunities, and to enhance our research community and networks with the inclusion of outstanding students from across the UK.

The Enrichment scheme offers placements of up to 12 months at the Institute for Fiscal Studies in London to students undertaking a PhD. There is no ‘typical’ Enrichment student and students are welcomed from a broad range of disciplines.


  • Students must be registered on a doctoral programme within the ESRC DTP network, and have the support of their university to study away for the duration of the placement. The relevant department at the university should sign this form, to be submitted with the application.
  • Students must be in the “active research phase” which is defined as their second or third year of research (not including training years) and complete their placement at least 3 months before their submission date.
  • The student’s supervisor (or equivalent) must support their application and be willing to continue supervising them while they are at IFS.
  • Students must hold a valid Right to Study in the UK.
  • Students must satisfactorily pass the Institute’s security screening process which includes a basic Disclosure check.

Application Details

  • A statement, of no more than 250 words, setting out reason for interest in applying to IFS and what the applicant hopes to get out of the scheme (Also indicate any individual circumstances that should be taken into account, such as a disability).
  • An outline of research in no more than 250 words.
  • An indication of whether applicant is looking for a 6- or 12-month placement.
  • Copy of CV. Please attach to the pdf a copy of award letter if in receipt of a funded studentship and the signed document confirming that your department agrees to the terms of the scheme.
  • Supervisors’ details and the details of another referee (who will be invited to submit a reference).

Other Details

  • Interviews: week commencing 20 February 2023
  • Outcomes communicated: 6 March 2023
  • Enrichment placements begin: Autumn 2023 onwards

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In this report, we reflect on how a dream has evolved, empowering thousands of individuals in over 80 countries, opening doors to global opportunities, hosting impactful workshops, and providing life-changing mentorship.