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Call for Application: Fellowship opportunity with Harvard Forest

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Application Deadline: October 1, 2022

Harvard Forest is inviting applications for the Charles Bullard Fellowship program which supports advanced research and study by individuals who show promise of making an important contribution, either as scholars or administrators, to forestry and forest-related subjects including biology, earth sciences, economics, politics, administration, philosophy, humanities, the arts, or law.

Research areas include forest ecology, tree physiology, soil biogeochemistry and microbial ecology, forest resource management, conservation and biodiversity, land use planning, and public policy. This is not a post-doctoral program; recent PhD graduates are generally not appropriate candidates for a Bullard Fellowship. The Fellowships carry stipends up to $60,000; the amount of each award depends on the duration of the Fellowship. Fellows have the option of having the award paid either to themselves or to the Fellow’s employer


  • Individuals in mid-career who have established themselves in academia, public service, or in the private sector.
  • For those in academic careers, preference is ordinarily given to holders of doctoral degrees, but others whose projects show promise of important contributions to forestry and forest studies, broadly defined, will be considered in terms of the likelihood that study and research at Harvard will help fulfill this promise.

Application Details

  • A completed web-based application form
  • Contact information for 3 references 
  • A statement of research
  • CV (no more than 5 pages)

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