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Call for Application: Researcher in Urban Climate Governance

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Application Deadline: 21st February, 2023

The Resource Economics Group, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin is inviting applications for a researcher in Urban Climate Governance. The successful applicant will be a highly motivated, excellent social scientist. He/She is willing and able to contribute to research on the emerging role of cities and local governments in climate policy. A PhD project on urban climate governance is strongly advised.


• An excellent degree in economics, political science, sociology, environmental social
sciences, or a related subject
• Skills in empirical social research or, in particular, comparative case studies
• Proficiency in English and (preferably) satisfactory German
• Interest in economic research on environmental problems, natural resources and


• Knowledge of and interest in one or more of the following topics: Local environmental
governance, urban geography, climate change.
• Familiarity with theories in one or more of the following fields: Institutional analysis,
institutional economics, urban/regional economics, environmental economics, public
administration studies.
• Interest to combine qualitative and quantitative methods
• Track record as a strong team player

Application Details

  • A curriculum vitae
  • A motivation letter (including statement of possible research plans and qualification steps
  • (academic and working) Certificates
  • An example of scientific writing

The complete application should be sent in one pdf by email to Ines Jeworski.

For further information, please consult the webpage and contact Prof. Dr. Klaus Eisenack.


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