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Call for application: The Mercatus MA Fellowship

Cream and Peach Minimalist Now Accepting Applicants University Instagram Post

Application Deadline: 15th February, 2022

The Mercatus MA Fellowship is a two-year, competitive, full-time fellowship program for students pursuing a master’s degree in economics at George Mason University who are interested in gaining an advanced degree in applied economics in preparation for a career in public policy. Acceptance into the fellowship program is dependent on acceptance into George Mason University’s MA program in economics.


  • Candidates should maintain a 3.5 or higher GPA
  • She/He will enroll in 9 credits each semester
  • She/He will take the core MA economics sequence of “Microeconomic Theory I” (ECON 611), “Microeconomic Theory II” (ECON 612), “Macroeconomic Theory” (ECON 615), “Mathematical Economics I” (ECON 630), and “Survey of Applied Econometrics” (ECON 535), “Alternative Economic and Governance Systems” (ECON 695), “Governance in States, Communities, and Markets” (ECON 695), “Economic Policy Analysis I” (ECON 695), and “Economic Policy Analysis II” (ECON 695)
  • Elective courses from a list of recommended courses from within the Department of Economics must be selected
  • Spend approximately 20 hours each week working with Mercatus Center staff and faculty mentors throughout the year
  • Actively participate in the monthly Theory to Practice Readings Group
  • Actively participate in the Workshop in Career Development and Job Placement
  • Submit a current bio and resume to Academic & Student Programs each quarter and upon request


  • MA Fellows can pursue skills that prepare them for a career in public policy, including policy research, strategic communications, outreach, and project management.
  • All fellows are required to take courses toward an MA in economics from George Mason University, and
  • They are encouraged to take electives in courses that further their expertise in conducting and communicating economic analysis of public policy issues. In addition, fellows attend readings groups and career development workshops and spend at least 20 hours a week working with Mercatus scholars and staff.

Application Details

  • A 1-2 page cover letter explaining research interests and current projects
  • Familiarity with Mason and Mercatus scholars and their research, and what can be gotten out of the program
  • A current resume/CV
  • A 500-1000 word essay on “Why do some societies prosper, while others remain stagnant and poor?”
  • A 10-page writing sample that demonstrates writing and research skills.

The Journey So Far is the Ultimate Economics Journal’s (UEJ) first-ever impact report, a milestone publication that celebrates four years of transforming lives since its founding in August 2020.

In this report, we reflect on how a dream has evolved, empowering thousands of individuals in over 80 countries, opening doors to global opportunities, hosting impactful workshops, and providing life-changing mentorship.