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Call for Application: WARC Travel Grant

Education (10)

Application Deadline: September 30, 2023 (for travel to take place between January 1 to June 30, 2024)

The West African Research Centre (WARC) Travel Grant program promotes intra-African cooperation and exchange among researchers and institutions by providing support to African scholars and graduate students for research visits to other institutions on the continent. The WARC Travel Grant provides travel costs up to $1,500 and a stipend of $1,500. This competition is open only to West African nationals, with preference given to those affiliated with West African colleges, universities, or research institutions. 

Travel grant funds may be used to:

  • Visit libraries or archives that contain resources necessary to the applicant’s current academic work
  • Engage in collaborative work with colleagues at another institution
  • Travel to a research site. 

Application Details

  • Abstract (50-80 word) describing the project/activity to be funded, beginning with a clear statement of purpose
  • Project/activity description (6 double-spaced pages maximum) of applicant’s research and how the proposed travel is relevant to this work. This should be presented in a language understandable to non-specialist readers
  • Curriculum Vitae – include research and teaching record when relevant
  • A letter of recommendation either by the professor overseeing their research or a colleague
  • Proof of citizenship in the form of a photocopy of the applicant’s passport (Please Note: this competition is open only to West African nationals )
  • If visiting another institution, an invitation from host institution
  • If travel is to consult archives or other materials, a description of the collections to be consulted and their significance to the applicant’s research

For further information about the application process, contact we*******************************@gm***.com.


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